*Artist Impression
173 Woolmer Rd, Woolmer
In response to the growing population at Highfields, Highlands Christian College has purchased 100 acres of land and is excited to propose a new co-educational Campus. The new Highfields Campus is proposed to cater for prep to Year 12, with onsite church, playgroup, kindergarten, and early learning centre, replicating our approach at the existing Campus in South Toowoomba.
Our Highfields Campus seeks to integrate the natural environment with learning, and has an emphasis on outdoor education, recreation, and agriculture. This approach is intended to be reflected in the Campus layout and building design.
The new Campus project has been lodged with the State Government for approval, with a view to opening for the 2027 school year.
Proposed Campus Location
173 Woolmer road consists of 100 acres on the western outskirts of Highfields (Woolmer Rd is an extension of Cawdor road)
Site Features
-P-12 College
-Kindy & Early Learning
-Equestrian Centre
-Outdoor Recreation
-Swim School
-Trail Running
-Mountain Biking

Proposed Staging Plan
Current Stage
Planning Process & Consultation
Highfields Christian College has developed a campus master plan and is seeking endorsement for a Ministerial Infrastructure Designation (MID) to deliver the new campus. A MID is a common approach for social infrastructure approvals such as this project.
As part of our planning, we are currently seeking stakeholder and community feedback on the campus master plan.
To provide feedback:
Contact us at:
07 4617 6521
Feedback provided at this stage will be considered as we finalise plans. There will also be a later opportunity to provide feedback to the Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning (DSDILGP) as part of the MID process.

Anticipated Construction
Current plans are to build in 2025/2026. This would include civil construction, anticipated roadworks and building stage 1 facilities and buildings.
Stage 1 – Campus Opening
We plan on opening the campus to the community in 2027 offering the following education.
- Early Learning Centre (15 Months – 5years)
- Years P-3
- Year 7
- OSHC (outside school hours care)
A shuttle bus will run daily between Highfields / Middle Ridge providing parents with children in year levels outside of the above offering to undertake their education at the Middle Ridge Campus until year levels are added to Highfields in future stagings.
For expressions of interest (Early Learning Centre – College) please click the enrolment enquiry button below.
2028 -2036
Ongoing Staging
The plan will be to add additional year levels and facilities between 2028-2036.
Why are we building a new campus at Highfields?
Significant population growth in the local area is driving a need for more educational facilities. We have seen the success of the Highlands model at our South Toowoomba campus, and are excited to bring the approach to Highfields.
With a local congregation, Highlands is already part of the Highfields community, and the new school campus provides an opportunity to expand our presence and continue supporting the community.
What is proposed to be built?
The development will include:
- College Prep/Year 1 to 12 and Community Central
- Early learning centre (120 places) and kindergarten
- Sports and practice ovals, with equipment sheds
- Aquatic achievers swim school (25m)
- Equestrian centre
- Outdoor recreation and agriculture facilities
- Outdoor recreation camp amenities.
Building heights are expected to be two (2) storeys, between 10m – 12m.
See the proposed site plan here.
What are the expected student and staff numbers?
The campus is expected to accommodate 750 students and 120 staff the following at full capacity by 2036.
What are the expected hours of operation?
The Highlands model caters for all aspects of life. While most activity will be Monday to Friday during school times, we anticipate there will be before- and after- school extracurricular and recreation activities, early learning, and church. Some weekend activities are also planned, including church and recreation.
When will the new campus open?
Pending approval through the MID process, we anticipate construction in 2025 / 2026 to be ready for a staged campus opening from the start of the 2027 school year.
How will traffic be managed?
We understand the new campus will mean more traffic in the area, and a traffic management plan is being developed as part of the proposal.
The proposal will include dedicated parking for staff, student pick-up/drop-off areas, trailer parking and a dedicate bus set down/parking area. Staggered start times for early learning, kindergarten, primary and secondary schools will help ease congestion, with on-campus before- and after-school extracurricular activities also helping to flatten peak times.
How will the proposal impact the environment?
Our vision for the Highfields campus is to integrate learning and nature. Our concept intends to work with the natural environment, and retaining vegetation as much as possible. Detailed plans, civil engineering and ecology studies will be prepared as part of the MID application.
What is a Ministerial Infrastructure Designation (MID)?
A MID provides an alternative planning approval pathway to a development approval. Through this process, particular public and private infrastructure providers, including schools, can gain a high-level approval for a master plan concept under the Planning Act 2016.
How can I find out more and have my say?
As part of the MID process, there are two key opportunities to have a say. Early community and stakeholder feedback is sought ahead of finalising plans. There is also an opportunity to provide feedback to the Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning as part of the formal statutory process.
Emaill us at highfieldscampus@hcct.org.au
Contact Us
Project Enquiries highfieldscampus@hcct.org.au
07 4617 6521
Highfields Enrolment Enquiries
(Kindy & Early Learning, P-12)